Friday, January 8, 2010

The Final Destination

Ok so I watched movie number 9 tonight. I watched it with my ex boyfriend.

I have seen all of the final destination movies now, and for the most part they are all quite a bit alike.

This one had a large amount of blood and guts and people being cut up/in half etc... Not really my cup of tea, but not a horrible movie either.

I did have to look away quite a few times, but I did watch the entire movie. I can't call it one of my favorite movies, but it wasn't one of the worst I've watched either.

My ex thinks it's hilarious to watch me watching movies with gore in them cause I gag and look away and make a big scene and he just laughs.

This is definitely more of a guy movie, but there are a couple of decent looking guys in it for girls to look at before they end up bloody that is.

I think one of the guys in it played "Vince" on that show "what I like about you" with Amanda Bynes and Jennie Garth in it. His real name is Nick Zano. I don't really feel like looking it up to see if that's really him or not, but the guy is pretty hott, although he was hotter on that TV show.

So basically I recommend this movie for people who like blood and guts or those willing to watch those kind of movies with people that do.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Space Buddies

Ok movie number 8 was chosen by my 4 year old little girl she loves dogs and the buddies movies are some of her favorites. This will be my first time to actually watch this movie. I've seen bits and pieces of it when she was watching it before, but never actually paid much attention.

Disney DVD's previews are kind of dumb I am glad they have the fast play where you can skip the previews pretty easily if you want to.

The buddies sneak along for the field trip to the space ship launch with their kids.

Awe the little doggie space suits even cover their cute little doggie tails. How cute.

The buddies are about to get launched into space even though they weren't even supposed to be at the launch site.

ok so there really isn't a whole lot to talk about with this movie. It's cute and a great kid movie.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sex and the City the Movie

Ok it's time for movie number 7 and I'm feeling like a girly movie right now. That's why I chose this one.

I have seen it before similar to the last couple that I've watched. I do plan to go to the video store later so hopefully I'll find something new that sparks my interest, but for now this one will do.

I was never really that into this series on TV. I watched the reruns here and there when there was nothing else on but I really wanted to see the movie.

"I wouldn't mind being married to you, would you mind being married to me?" Big's quote when he basically asked her to marry him. It was actually more of a decision than a proposal.

Now Carrie agreed to be 40 bride for vogue, but she just didn't really seem to want to.

Some of the dresses are just absolutely hideously awful. I don't even really like the one she chose it's a bit much.

Coloring is fun. You have to watch the movie to get what I mean, but it'll be worth it.

I want someone who doesn't want to disappoint me. Someone who loves me and wants me to be happy.

Yuck she made the bad dress worse by adding a huge bluish colored feather thingy in her hair. It's so ugly I could throw up.

This movie is really good it shows the ups and downs of relationships the way they really are in real life. Some parts are good some parts are bad and others are just colorful.

It's a great movie and you should definitely check it out if you are a girl. Guys more than likely wont like it so much so don't torture them with it.

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

Movie number 6 for my goal. I have seen this one before and loved it.

Matthew McConaughey is so incredibly hott. He is a "ladies" man and wants nothing to do with marriage, but he has to go to his brothers wedding.

"In the end love makes you lonely, weak and fat" quote from Connor Mead.

Now he's starting to see the ghost of his dead uncle. His uncle wants him to have a better life than he had. He is told that he is going to be visited by ghosts of 3 of his past girlfriends.

The one brides maid he hasn't slept with desperately wants to sleep with him and he just told her to go upstairs. Now he's heading that way too, but instead of the brides maid in his bed he finds the ghost of girlfriends past.

He was sweet at one point in time. Until his uncle corrupted his mind and taught him the wrong way to treat women.

"The power of the relationship lies with whoever cares less" quote from the uncle.

He's apologizing to Jenny for being such a jerk to her, and then he tries to kiss her.

This is a great movie. I am loving it all over again.

"Happiness comes from caring more about people not less" Connor Mead

I was actually very angry with someone the first time I watched this movie and Connor reminded me so much of him. I had stilled enjoyed the movie but it just helped me to let my anger fester. Now I know that being angry with him doesn't help or solve anything. If he loves me he'll get to a point where he can show me that, and me building up a wall and blocking people out isn't helping anything or anyone.

This is a truly good movie and it's a movie that a guy would enjoy too. Guys may not watch it by themselves, but they would enjoy it with a girl. It doesn't have that chick Flick feel to it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

Movie number 5. I am doing really good so far hopefully I'll be able to keep this up and meet my goal. And who knows maybe I'll get some readers at some point.

I have seen this movie before, but I didn't pay much attention the first time so I figured why not give it another go.

It's kind of a cheesey movie. It does have some realities to it though. At least from the girl's perspective. I of course don't know about the guys point of view. And I don't really see this as being a "guy" movie so I doubt I'll ever know.

Ben Afflec is in this movie. That doesn't mean it has to be bad though I guess. Jennifer Aniston is in the movie too. That is a good sign I usually like her in movies.

Some of the things these girls do in this movie are completely crazy. I would never do those things, but they are pretty funny. I how have ever done some of the things and been really embarassed about it. Especially now that I'm admitting it now.

This movie is a little bit harsh at times though. "At least I still care" she wants love and Alex doesn't realize he still does.

It sucks when guys have to go through what we go through all the time. And being the other girl really does suck. I've been on both sides and I know all about it.

Ok so this movie is ok. I am not in love with it, but I don't hate it either. Check it out or not the choice is yours. It's a good time filler that's for sure.

Broken Bridges

Ok so I'm starting movie number 4 now. I have had this movie for quite sometime it was given to me as a gift and I've just never gotten around to watching it. So I figured what better time.

It starts off with some very depressing news and a mother daughter fight and then a road trip to the mom's home town. Oh yeah and Toby Keith is in this movie. So get ready for some music although so far I haven't heard much country music.

The daughter's name is Dixie which is a really cool name I think. I have always wanted to get a dog and name her Dixie.

Dixie is confronting her father (Toby Keith) now. Wow that didn't go very well. Now the mom just came out and told him that he can't speak to the daughter or anyone in the family.

Oh the mom's job is sending a camera crew out to film her in the morning. I don't think it's gonna go over too well.

Ohh a cute boy just came in. I think that Dixie likes him. I bet something happens there, but we'll have to see.

Ok now we're getting some country music 30 minutes into the movie wow. Toby Keith is really good. I always knew he was a good singer, but he can actually act too. "Play by the rules your gonna miss all the fun" nice quote from the song they were just playing.

Awe Dixie and cute boy are going mudding. It reminds me of late high school. That was a fun time... a crazy time that if I would have gotten caught doing half of the stuff I was doing back then I would have been in serious trouble for it. It sure was fun though.

The funeral part is really sad. This isn't a movie to watch if you are sad or if you have recently lost someone.

Another country song at almost 1 hour into the movie and Dixie is playing along with her dad and the boys. Well actually it wasn't a full song kinda disappointing. :(

Willie Nelson is in this movie too. Wow I didn't expect that. There are some things in this movie that are pretty serious. It's not exactly a lighthearted type of movie just so you know what your getting into before you watch it.

So I really enjoyed this movie too. It has some sad parts and some happy parts. A great movie though. I would probably label it as a chick flick, but some guys would enjoy it too, and could probably really use it.

Paul Blart Mall Cop

This is movie number 3 for me and it's about 4 am when I am starting this one. I'm wide awake so I figured why not watch one more to get a kick start on my goal. I have actually seen this movie before, but like I said I am going to watch each movie and review it either while watching or right afterwards to be fair to my goal.

Paul is a mall cop that really wants to be a real cop, but is "hypoglycemic" he's a single dad and his daughter wants to set him up with someone so he can be "happy".

He rides around on one of those nifty personal motorized scooter thingies the SRO's at the high school for my district have them. They are actually kinda cool. I would like to try one out sometime.

He's training the new guy and he is very serious about his job. He tries to give an old guy on a scooter a citation for reckless driving it's rather funny.

He has a crush on a girl that works at a hair kiosk. He's really awkward when he tries to talk to her. Awe her name is Amy I forgot that part. I love it when cute girls in movies are named Amy it makes me feel a little bit better about myself.

They are at a karaoke place right now it's funny. And it really makes me want to go to a karaoke place again soon. I love watching people try to sing it's usually extremely funny.

Oh yeah i remember now the mall is being held up and he decides to be a hero and try to save the girl. Can he do it?

Ohh the guy that comes in to take over the negotiation is kinda hott. He's kinda a jerk but still hott. I wish I could find a guy that was hott like that, but nice. It's wishful thinking I know, but who knows maybe there is someone out there for me.

This hypoglycemia thing is quite funny not very realistic but funny.

The cute guy turns out to be a really bad guy that's the way it usually works out though.

Another movie that I definitely recommend for a good laugh. It's one of those dumb but funny movies.

Cheaper by the Dozen 2

Ok this is my second blog in my series to work towards my goal of 365 by January 1, 2011. Similar to the first movie in my series I have not watched this one before right now as I am typing. I will do some that I have watched before when I watch them again. I have seen Cheaper by the Dozen however and I loved it.

So in an attempt to get the whole family together one last time before everyone starts moving away the book a lake house to stay at for a weekend together. The first bit of excitement involves a pat rat getting the keys and starting a chase through the lake house. Then later that night they run into the family that the dad had competed with his whole life which brings out the dad's competitive side.

He decides to fix up the place which of course doesn't go very well. This movie is cracking me up. The dozen family isn't very strict and they have a lot of fun, while the other family is very strict and not so fun. The boulders is the name of the other family they only have 8 kids. They have lots of money and the dad acts super snotty. I don't like people who show off their money like that.

"When you like a boy never be anybody but yourself" great quote from the movie. It's so true you should never change yourself to make someone like you if they don't like you for who you are then it's not meant to be and they will never truly like you anyways. You'll grow to not like them very much either.

Competition is driving the family apart in this movie. Some times a little friendly competition is good, but going overboard is not a good thing at all.

Lizzie McGuire or Loraine as she's called in this movie is helping her little tom boy sister put make up on it's very sweet. Awe she looks like a little girl how sweet.

It didn't look like the whole family was gonna make it to the cup competition, but they all ended up showing up after all. Who do you think wins the over all competition? Guess you'll have to watch the movie to find out. I am not gonna give everything away in these blogs.

The oldest sister goes into labor during the race and has a beautiful baby. Not telling if it's a girl or a boy though.

"There's no way to be a perfect parent but there are a million ways to be a really good one" another amazing quote from the movie.

I just love heart warming movies like this one. I am glad I chose to watch this one. It's another great one that I would recommend and it's a good movie that you could even watch with your family. Of course I watched it alone at around 2am, but that's just how I roll.

Julie & Julia

Well I had to start with this movie, because it is what inspired me to start this blog. I love cooking and thought about blogging about cooking like Julie did in the movie, but I wanted to do something different. I want to write about movies that I watch. I am like Julie going to set a deadline for myself. I am going to watch and blog about 365 movies by January 1, 2011. I will write about each one as I am watching it or right afterwards.

Ok so back to the movie. This is a very cute movie and quite inspiring for people who are not good at finishing things. Julie decides to follow Julia Child's french cookbook and cook her way through it in 365 days while blogging about it. She starts off strong and is enjoying it. Along the way she hits some rough patches, but she doesn't give up. She continues on she learns more about herself and who she wants to be as she goes along. At the same time that it's going through Julie's struggles it goes through Julia's life and tells her story. From the beginning of her cooking classes in France through her struggles with her book and on to her husband encouraging her to do a cooking show.

When Julie gets the phone call telling her that Julia Hates her and her blog I almost started crying. Her husband is very supportive and it's amazing. Julie had fallen in love with her idea of Julia and deeply desires to meet Julia, but feels it will never happen. She finally makes it through the 524 recipes even boning a duck and they have a party to celebrate and finishes her blog. Then she goes to the museum to see her kitchen and leaves her a special gift. The movie ends with Julia receiving a copy of her cookbook that was finally published

I know I have given away a lot of details about the movie in this blog, but it truly is a good movie and I think everyone should check it out. Guys might not be as interested in it as girls will, but those are usually the best kinds of movies I think. Well it's time for me to pick another movie since this one is over. Watch the movie if you haven't already and let me know if you think it is as wonderful as I do. I'd love to know your opinions too.