Saturday, January 2, 2010

Julie & Julia

Well I had to start with this movie, because it is what inspired me to start this blog. I love cooking and thought about blogging about cooking like Julie did in the movie, but I wanted to do something different. I want to write about movies that I watch. I am like Julie going to set a deadline for myself. I am going to watch and blog about 365 movies by January 1, 2011. I will write about each one as I am watching it or right afterwards.

Ok so back to the movie. This is a very cute movie and quite inspiring for people who are not good at finishing things. Julie decides to follow Julia Child's french cookbook and cook her way through it in 365 days while blogging about it. She starts off strong and is enjoying it. Along the way she hits some rough patches, but she doesn't give up. She continues on she learns more about herself and who she wants to be as she goes along. At the same time that it's going through Julie's struggles it goes through Julia's life and tells her story. From the beginning of her cooking classes in France through her struggles with her book and on to her husband encouraging her to do a cooking show.

When Julie gets the phone call telling her that Julia Hates her and her blog I almost started crying. Her husband is very supportive and it's amazing. Julie had fallen in love with her idea of Julia and deeply desires to meet Julia, but feels it will never happen. She finally makes it through the 524 recipes even boning a duck and they have a party to celebrate and finishes her blog. Then she goes to the museum to see her kitchen and leaves her a special gift. The movie ends with Julia receiving a copy of her cookbook that was finally published

I know I have given away a lot of details about the movie in this blog, but it truly is a good movie and I think everyone should check it out. Guys might not be as interested in it as girls will, but those are usually the best kinds of movies I think. Well it's time for me to pick another movie since this one is over. Watch the movie if you haven't already and let me know if you think it is as wonderful as I do. I'd love to know your opinions too.

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